Actor Shia LaBeouf claims he was sexually assaulted at a performance art exhibition

Actor Shia LaBeouf, best known for his role in the Transformers films as well as having played the love child of Indiana Jones, has been a Hollywood bad boy of late, getting into fights and getting arrested. According to an interview in Dazed and Confused Magazine, LaBeouf claimed that he was raped by a woman at a recent performance art exhibition.

The exhibition, called "#IAMSORRY ," consisted of one room with a table holding artifacts of his career, including an Indiana Jones whip, a transformer, and other objects. The room led to a smaller room where the actor himself sat with a paper bag over his head. Visitors would pass through the two rooms one by one, asking LaBeouf questions which he would not answer, since part of the performance was that he would not speak.

According to LaBeouf, a woman entered the room, whipped him across the legs for ten minutes, then stripped off his clothing and "raped" him." The actor did not say whether he resisted the sexual assault or not. However he did mention that the woman's boyfriend was waiting right outside the door. More important, LaBeouf's then girlfriend was waiting in line to see him and, evidently having heard what had happened, demanded an explanation when it came time for her to be in the same room as the actor. LaBeouf, following the rules of the performance, did not speak.

Journalist Piers Morgan was having none of this story. According to USA Today he offered a series of caustic tweets, stating that the story was "truly pathetic & demeans real rape victims." The incident, so far as has been reported, has not been referred to law enforcement.

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